Tuesday, March 8, 2011

*yawn* -stretch-

Hibernation is complete, time to get things going in the garden again. As we raked up the pea patch a bit we were rewarded with this beauty! A carrot which survived the winter. So we unexpectedly had our first produce from the garden in early March, yuk, yuk. It was tasty, very carroty.

So anyway, peas. Planted a few 8' rows of sugar snap peas. Some were extremely wrinkly peas saved from last years end of the season. Don't know if they'll flourish or not. On top of that some year old peas from last year's leftovers. Peas did very well last year, I'm hoping they do again this year. Instead of painstakingly planting each individual pea, I scattered them in a furrow. I predict great success again this year.

We ran out of peas before we ran out of garden bed, so we decided to put down a little spinach and some Black Seeded Simpson Lettuce. It may be too early for them, but it's little loss if they die off.

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