Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Almost done planting

A few weeks back I bought a rototiller at a yard sale for $25. Sadly, it didn't work. Happily I have a friend who does small engine repair. He worked his mojo and I now have a functional Craftsman tiller. It may be 30 years old, but it's in good shape after the tune up ($45!). The back third of the fenced in garden in the backyard was seriously overgrown. Had to mow first - the tiller is not happy with chewing through tall grass. And it was no small task getting the mower maneuvered through the narrow confines of the fenced in garden.But I mowed and I tilled and I now have about a 10' x 20' area read for planting. Well, mostly ready. I think it might require a little more work. But it's in pretty good shape. Tomorrow I turn that back area into cucumber city.

The community garden is doing well so far. Except the cucumbers who did not appreciate the abrupt transition from the basement to the garden. Here's the current set up.

Community Garden
The whole plot is 10' by 25'. The potatoes aren't very accessible but I only really need to get near them to harvest, so that works. The brown areas are walkways. The numbered spots are tomatoes. The tomato rundown.
  1. Super Beefsteak
  2. San Marzano (teensy tiny little seedling currently) [06-14-2013: Added another slightly healthier San Marzano, will snip the weaker when they've grown a little.]
  3. Super Beefsteak
  4. Cherokee Purple
  5. Yellow Short Vine Taxi
  6. currently occupied by a sad little YSVT (same as 5). Not sure it'll even survive, may be replaced. [06-14-2013: Replaced by Rutgers]
  7. currently unoccupied - likely Rutgers [06-14-2013: Replaced by Brandywine]
  8. currently unoccupied - likely Brandywine [06-14-2013: Replaced by Taxi]
  9. Tigerella
  10. Black Krim
  11. Brandywine
  12. Fourth of July (not 100% sure, labelling mishap...)
  13. Amish Paste
  14. Amish Paste
  15. Amish Paste
  16. Roma
Not 100% certain what I'll use to fill in the blanks (6-8). This leaves me with 20 spots for tomatoes and 39 plants left. Since the groundhog wiped out my peas, I might try tomatoes in the spot near the house, that would give me 4 or 5 more spaces. Here are the top contenders for those remaining slots.
  1. 2 Cherokee Purple
  2. 2 Black Krim
  3. 2 Tigerella
  4. 3 Super Beefsteak
  5. a few Brandywine (have six small seedlings)
  6. a few Rutgers (have 7 small seedlings)
  7. 2 Fourth of July (Are they really Fourth of July? Not certain)
  8. a few San Marzano (have 4 tiny, somewhat sickly seedlings)
  9. maybe 1 or 2 Roma (have 6)

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