Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Revisiting Baguette

Baguette attempts number 8 and 9 were both decent, but I had issues with the scoring.

Attempt #8 was definitely a step backward. I think the main fault lies with the scoring here, though the crumb was rather dense. The dough was very wet and resisted scoring, even with a razor blade. The blade kind of dragged the dough rather than cutting through it. I put it in the oven and let it bake for like 2 or 3 minutes, then realized I hadn't put in my ice cubes. Doh! So I opened the oven and was so disappointed with what I saw that I took it out and rescored. Still not great. Although the pain d'epi was pretty good.

Baguette attempt 8. Meh.
Attempt #9 the dough was similarly wet. I used a lot more flour when shaping, so I thought they might be ok. Not so much. The pain d'epi was almost unrecognizable. The scoring on the baguette loaves was terrible. Tasty though.

Baguette attempt 9. Also meh.
So, improvements. It's vaguely possible that I need to use a fresh razor blade. I doubt that's the problem, I can't imagine it got too dull from scoring like a dozen loaves of bread. It is far warmer now than it was when I last made baguettes (Nov/Dec). Maybe that plays a role. I mean, undoubtedly, but is that my main issue? Unsure. Finally, I took a look at a different recipe on the King Arthur site that has a vastly different hydration.

Recipe I've been using - :

  • ( 113g water in poolish + 255g ) / ( 120g flour in poolish + 418g ) = 68.4% hydration
Easy Crusty Baguette recipe - :
  • 227g water / 361g flour = 62.8% hydration
Vast difference! Higher hydration is supposed to give larger holes in the crumb, but I didn't find that to be that significant of a difference in my attempts. So I'll try the drier dough in my next go. 

Just a note, the bread actually tasted pretty awesome. We all sampled some of the pain d'epi this morning heated just a few secs in the microwave, slathered with soft butter. It was amazing. Now just need to get the sexy crust so it looks more impressive.

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