Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Sandwichspace 26 and 27

 The first 25 sandwiches!


So I made pao de quejido, a Brazilian cheese bread that uses tapioca flour. Typically I make it into little balls. So good! But I tried making like a sort of bun with it. It was good, but the texture was not ideal.

Possibly a little undercooked as well? Pretty good though. I think the bread was a 5/10 or so. Fantastic for a gluten free option, but probably not in the running. My first sandwich had sous vide scrambled eggs. Delicious, very custardy. They almost tasted cheesy without any cheese. But there was zero structural integrity, so these utterly fail for this purpose. 2/10

Cat hair on the plate, -10 points.

You can see how the egg just fell out of the sandwich. For meat had some leftover bits of rib steak from the previous night. Taste was good, texture was good, but I didn't feel it was a good fit for this breakfast sandwich that I'm trying to perfect, 6/10. Thick sliced deli cheddar, melted nicely.

Appearance 4/10, the bread looks underdone. The structural failings of the soft, custardy egg made for unappealing aesthetics.

Flavor 6/10, I mean, it tasted pretty good, but overall a fail on this one.


More cheese bread here. Some deli sliced roast pork, sauteed on the stove a bit for some browning. 6/10, I liked it, but not a huge standout. Perhaps a thicker slice would improve it? Mushroom omelet with two eggs. Surprisingly not a fan. Just call me Spinach Boy. Texture was not great, flavor was ok, otherwise cooked fine, just not feeling the shrooms. 5/10. Deli cheddar. PdQ bread.

Appearance 8/10, Bun looks good, pork looks amazing peeking out. Very nice look.

Flavor 5/10 unfortunately, the pork looked better than it tasted. Egg and cheese was fine. The bread was somehow too dry? What the hell? Not sure how that was even possible.

So Brazilian cheese bread was shockingly disappointing. Next up, English toasting bread.

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