Monday, July 11, 2011

Turkish Orange is now Green

Here's the dill - it flowered and now there's a preposterous amount of dill seed. One of the flowers -

Dill seed
The basil is looking pretty good. I planted a whole bed of it that's struggling, but most of the basil I planted in buckets with the tomatoes is doing very well. They are supposed to be companion plants, but they're doing so much better. I suspect that they like the semi-shade the tomatoes provide in this scorching weather. And I admittedly am a little better at watering the basil in the tomato buckets.

Bucket basil
The tomatoes are coming along nicely. We've harvested (and consumed) 9 or 10 Sungold already. They're a pleasant bright orange and taste great. Tigerella is also just starting to color up. Also got a photo of a nice sized Brandywine.

The Turkish Orange Eggplant in the 5 gallon pail is flourishing.  I moved it to a shadier spot. Also, and I think this helped a lot, I mulched with grass clippings. Checked them out online, when they're ripe the look a lot like tomatoes. Right now they're tiny, but there a a bunch of them.

Turkish Orange Eggplant
Finally, a friend in the fight against bad bugs.

Baby Mantis

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