Sunday, July 24, 2022

Turning Point?

It has been so hot. Plants need to be watered a couple times a day. The Spoon Tomatoes, the zucchini, the zucchino rampicante, the kale, the strawberries, and the various peppers have all suffered from wilting. Seems like I'm getting less from the zukes and the kale. And the beans. The tomatoes are looking good for sure, and they've only just begun.

So what to do? Well, I've started some new stuff - herbs and a bunch of cucumbers. Next day or two I will plant some more zucchini. The bt seems to have saved most of them, but two really didn't make it. The rampicante is flourishing, though wilty at times. I think it would benefit from some mulch, though the leaves are huuuuuge so they shade the soil pretty well.

Vine Borer seconds before death by brick

The biggest change this weekend is Mal and I filled six 5 gallon pails with soil (from the compost heap, should be good). I planted cukes in them. Beit Alpha seemed to do best in the stone planter out front, despite the heat. I've gotten 4 or 5 cukes from that and like a couple of the other ones. I'm quite hopeful that the cukes will do better with some shade in the back. I also intend to trellis them, maybe some rope over the gutters, maybe something more serious. The setup...

The tomatoes are a bright spot, so lets end on a high note. 
Hungarian coloring up. Soon! Chipmunks stay away!

Cherokee Purple looks gorgeous.

Lotsa flowers!
By my count, 50 on one plant in this frame!

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