Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Sandwichspace 6 & 7

Sammich #6

I took the "Day" out of the title because I skipped a day already, and it's possible to double up as well.

More work with the ciabatta rolls. For #6 I did a load of sauteed spinach in a mass of scrambled egg, slices of cheddar, and the debut of a fan favorite, bacon.

Not much truly new here. The ciabatta bun was only slightly warmed. It made me think, these should be toasted more, they seem almost a bit soggy. I did butter the bread a bit. I don't think that significantly soggied the sammich, but it certainly added some nice buttery flavor. Hard to pick it out in the midst of all that egg, but I think it gives it a boost. Still, the sogginess was a downer. 5/10 The bacon, as I said, was a bit hard to pick out in the whole deal. Two folded over thick cut bacon slices. One would assume that it would be a huge enhancement to the experience. Disappointing. I will circle back to bacon again soon, but for now 3/10. Yeah, I'm shocked, too. Maybe I need 4 slices of bacon to get the flavor across. But given the relative difficulty of cooking up bacon - I have to cook it the night before unless I get up the second the alarm rings, which is nigh inconceivable - bacon does not seem like it will be a winner in this experiment.

Appearance 5/10. Bun was burned (from the original bake). Cheese unmelted and unappealing looking. Admittedly it did look better After I got to work and the cheese melted a bit.

Flavor 6/10. Mostly because the bun was soggy and the bacon was a bit of a whiff. 

Sammich #7

Toasted the ciabatta bun. It was crunchy and brittle, so a bit too far. Although I consumed this one on the spot, so if I hard wrapped it up in foil and brought it to work it would likely have steamed/softened a bit. I will have to play with this element. 5/10 on the bun. I'm worrying a bit that getting ciabatta in the Goldilocks zone between soggy and crunchy and brittle may be a bit of a challenge. I do like that the bun itself is fairly small - I don't want to be eating a shitton of bread with my breakfast. Focaccia is a lot of bread (but so tasty).

Egg and sauteed spinach. I haven't been overpowered by the spinach the last two times. Maybe that was a fluke? Cheddar slices. Reliable. And a new arrival, thick cut frozen sausage. Not leathery! And so tasty, a real meaty bite. I feel like I want to toss out the old thin frozen sausage patties. They just can't compete. I'd say 7, but the ease of prep pushes them to an 8/10. Just toss in the microwave a bit, or if time is not a factor pan fry them until perfecto. Hard to mess up. Now, I have never seen this variety of sausage patty at the store before, so it may not be readily available. Some frozen sausage patties are pretty mediocre. And raw sausage tubes that you need to fully cook are a whole different category, I will investigate those as well down the road a bit.

Appearance 7/10. Maybe a smidge less for the egg overflowing and the cheese hanging out there out of nowhere.

Flavor 7/10. The brittleness of the bread was a big disappointment. But then the sausage was a real plus.  

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