Friday, September 6, 2024

Sandwichspace 9

 Today's effort was a bit simpler, sauteed spinach and egg on a biscuit. I decided to forgo the meat and cheese because I had a big dinner last night and I wasn't super hungry. Nothing new with the spinach and egg, though a quick glance back at the last four sandwiches show I used the same egg mix. Man, spinach is pretty good. The biscuit is new, and while it looked absolutely gorgeous, the taste, while good, was maybe not ideal for the job. The recipe itself suggested not to use Greek yogurt, but that's all I had, so I used it. The recipe suggested Greek yogurt would make the biscuit "gummy". I wouldn't have used that term without prompting, but I felt like I could see what they meant by it. The second and more serious issue was that it is a LOT of bread. The biscuits puffed up dramatically, which is generally a good thing. But I'm not sure that it is ideal for this application. That all said, the biscuit was soft, buttery, and delicious. But I guess I'd give it a 6/10 for this project.

Appearance 8/10. Can't deny the biscuit is pretty.

Flavor 7/10 - it was good for sure, but it was like maybe 3/4 biscuit. I could have mitigated that with meat and cheese, so this example is not definitive for the biscuit option. I may also try different biscuit recipes, perhaps something less substantial would do the trick.

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