Monday, September 2, 2024

Sandwichspace Day 5

 I whipped up a bunch of about a dozen ciabatta rolls. I'm thinking they will freeze well and be a nice backup. Was thinking of prepping up a few sandwiches and freezing them whole, see how that works.


First thought, wow, this was way prettier than the focaccia. More like a traditional breakfast sandwich. I was a bit worried that the bread would be a bit too chewy. It was great though. I buttered it and then heated it in the pan for a few minutes. Not browned, but definitely warmed up quite a bit. Then heated up a frozen breakfast sausage patty and some frozen spinach. When the spinach was hot, I added the scrambled eggs. I was very careful not to overcook the eggs, and they turned out perfect. For cheese I added thin slices of cheddar to the top of the bun/sausage. When they didn't instantly melt (was I expecting sorcery?), I put them in the microwave for 33 seconds. Perfect! All in all, the eggs were almost perfect, like a 9/10. I would happily have this sandwich every morning. This spinach was a nice addition, but honestly the flavor was a little, well, spinachy (what did I expect, ha!). I think I need kale. Sadly my kale patch is wiped out. I think I'll plant some more today. The bread was way better than I imagined, maybe 7/10. I liked that it was solid and not crumbly as focaccia gets sometimes.

Appearance - 7/10. Appearance is not critical, but it is nice if my sandwich is photogenic. I think a truly gorgeous sandwich will be hard to achieve without actively working toward that end. I may try to beautify things when I zero in a bit more on what I'm looking for in the flavorzone.

Flavor - 8/10. The spinach was good, but I think I wasn't really in a spinach mood today. The sausage patty was thin and a bit rubbery. Better than no sausage, but we need improvement in the meat area for sure. Cheese looked good and tasted good. Grating seems to leave an ultra-thin layer. I think I desire a bit more thickness. I call this category "Flavor" but texture is part of it too. The eggs were perfect today and the bread was not as chewy as I had feared. This was a great sandwich.

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